End of summer in Sainte Agnès

The exceptionally hot Summer has passed and very thankful for a good storm and cooler temperatures….But wait is this an Indian Summer already ? No, the high 30s have returned! Thankfully with cool nights. Autumnal colours have started whether this is because of the severe drought or the time of year is anyone’s guess. Aside from all the above the vegetable terraces have been stalwart in producing a continual crop of tomatoes, beans, blette and a great variety of herbs.

Guest numbers have risen hugely, visitors arriving from all over the world, New Zealand, Australia, USA, and many Europeans. I have received wonderful reviews so thank you to all who sent them.

Swimming is bliss and the beaches are far less crowded, luckily no jelly fish this year.

Many guests have enjoyed the many hikes around the village.

So onwards into a more peaceful and cooler time!

I always look forward to welcoming you to this special place. Bienvenue!

Summer in Sainte Agnès Village

The sun is shining here in Sainte Agnès as we get ready to welcome guests for the 2023 season!
Make sure you pack your walking boots and camera as all the trails are now at their best for walkers keen to explore the French and Italian Riviera.
We’re always willing to give you some tips and recommendations for hikes in the mountains and down by the sea so just get in touch.

Looking forward to seeing some of our regulars again soon!